I mentioned in an earlier blog that your website is the centerpiece of your internet marketing strategy. Once your fully optimized website is up it’s time to start looking at peripheral marketing tactics that will help you realize your objectives. One of these is microsites.
A microsite is a completely separate website. A small website with the basics including a homepage, About us, and a Contact us page all with unique content. So if you specialize in restaurants in Poughkeepsie you would do a keyword search to determine how people are searching for restaurant insurance in Duchess County, NY, select the most popular ones and try to buy some iteration of one of those key search terms as your domain name for your new microsite. Having what you do as part of the URL is incredibly valuable from an SEO standpoint. For example you might choose restaurant-insurancepoughkeepsie.com or .net.
Once you purchase the domain you can build out the site. Remember NO FLASH. The site should be pure HTML in order to comply with SEO best practices. The content should be meaty and UNIQUE. You don’t want to cut and paste anything for this effort as it will hurt this site and your main site. Make sure ALL pages are easily accessible with simple navigation tabs, and lastly make sure there is a clear call-to-action on each page. Remember the purpose of this site is generate more leads. The benefit of this effort is that your properly optimized microsite will show up separately on the search engine result page allowing to potentially own more than one spot when someone searches for the key term that is now embedded in your new URL.
If you are already utilizing micosites to generate leads, share with us how it’s working for you.