The Importance of an Effective Insurance Marketing Website – Part 2

effective-marketing-website-2By Larry Neilson, CEO, Neilson Marketing Services

As I stated in part 1 of this blog post, there are a number of critical reasons why building a new website is essential in today’s digital communication world as well as proven techniques on getting a site that truly delivers. Social media marketing is part of this equation.

Connecting with Social Media

One’s personal experience and/or opinion of social me
dia truly has no bearing on its documented marketing benefits related to search. The graph below shows the contribution margin of each of the components briefly discussed in this article. Social Media contributes 7.24% to SEO efforts, through posts and tweets about relevant information that your customer base and prospects are interested in, including sharing blogs, videos and other posts through Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube and others that will appear in search. Both the quality and quantity of these shares and tweets is important in establishing credibility and boosting search efforts and backlinks to one’s site. Additionally, social media is increasingly driving traffic to websites. According to a study by Forrester Research in 2013, half of all Internet users ages 18 to 23, and 43% of users ages 24 to 32, used social platforms to find their way to a website – the future customer base for an agency. Moreover, overall social networks like Facebook and Twitter are the preferred means of discovery for nearly a third of all Americans, up from 18% in 2010.



A website without a follow-up content strategy is akin to a having nice new car without gas. It will only be seen by people who already know where you live, or who happen to drive by your house. If you want to show it the world you have to put gas in it and drive it around.